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View Password stored in vRSLCM 8.x locker using API


This blog post explains the procedure on how to review the password of a stored locker object using API method



{{lcmurl}} is vRSLCM FQDN example: https://lcm.domain.example



Aquire LCM Auth Token (admin@local)


Method: POSTRequest:  {{lcmurl}}/lcm/authzn/api/login
Authorization: Basic Auth
username: admin@local
password: ******


A cookie is created and response code is 200

Fetch Passwords


Method: GET
URL: {{lcmurl}}/lcm/locker/api/v2/passwords


    "page": 0,
    "total": 1,
    "passwords": [
            "vmid": "0704babb-5b6c-474f-9d03-c92dffb9ca59",
            "tenant": "default",
            "alias": "0",
            "userName": "",
            "password": "PASSWORD****",
            "passwordDescription": "",
            "createdOn": 1665126022437,
            "lastUpdatedOn": 1665126022437,
            "referenced": false


View Passwords

To view password , one has to enter {{lcmurl}} , then the vmid of the locker object captured in the previous request as shown above.

Also , the body of the post request should contain lcm's root password


Method: POST
URL: {{lcmurl}}/lcm/locker/api/passwords/view/{{locker_vmid}}
Authorization: Inherit from Parent
"rootPassword": "{{lcmrootpassword}}"


    "passwordVmid": "0704babb-5b6c-474f-9d03-c92dffb9ca59",
    "password": "VMware123!"

The response would contain the password vmid along with the password in plain text

Note: Password being displayed here is an example


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